Buzz Rickson US Gov. Issue WWII Wool/Cotton Socks


Buzz Rickson does nothing half way. To make these socks they found a knitting factory which had sock making machines from the 1940's, got them back up and running, and had them make them a batch of socks with a custom wool and cotton blend to replicate heavy duty socks which were being issued to the military during WWII.

50/50 Wool/Cotton Blend Naturally Thermal Regulating (due to wool blend) Fibers Fully Spun & Dyed in Japan Knit in Japan (on vintage sock making machines) Rinsed

Buzz Rickson does nothing half way. To make these socks they found a knitting factory which had sock making machines from the 1940's, got them back up and running, and had them make them a batch of socks with a custom wool and cotton blend to replicate heavy duty socks which were being issued to the military during WWII.

50/50 Wool/Cotton Blend Naturally Thermal Regulating (due to wool blend) Fibers Fully Spun & Dyed in Japan Knit in Japan (on vintage sock making machines) Rinsed
Buzz Rickson US Gov. Issue WWII Wool/Cotton Socks
Buzz Rickson US Gov. Issue WWII Wool/Cotton Socks
Buzz Rickson US Gov. Issue WWII Wool/Cotton Socks
Buzz Rickson US Gov. Issue WWII Wool/Cotton Socks
Buzz Rickson US Gov. Issue WWII Wool/Cotton Socks
Buzz Rickson US Gov. Issue WWII Wool/Cotton Socks
Buzz Rickson US Gov. Issue WWII Wool/Cotton Socks
Buzz Rickson US Gov. Issue WWII Wool/Cotton Socks
Buzz Rickson US Gov. Issue WWII Wool/Cotton Socks
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